An Ocean Based Airco
MCB is a promising climate cooler. It mimics the natural process of sea spray. When clouds are whiter, they reflect more sunlight, we call this ‘albedo’.
We can increase the clouds’ albedo by adding very small cloud condensation nuclei. This can be done by spraying saltwater from ships in very fine droplets.
MCB Research: From The Lab To The Field
Progress By Closing The Knowledge Gaps
Marine Cloud Brightening research originated from an observation-based hypothesis. As scientific literature and cloud models endorsed its potential, the path from theory to a tangible proof of concept took shape.
For MCB, this involved initial lab testing followed by transitioning from the lab to field testing on different scales. A proof of concept is attained when the hypothesis is scientifically validated, demonstrating that MCB fulfils its intended function. In other words: it does what it promised to do.
Presently, MCB research remains in the Lab Testing phase due to a lack of funding and opposition against field trials. Blue Cooling aims to eliminate these thresholds.
Phase 1 | Exploring Principles
The Truth of a Scientific Theory
The first hypothesis has been formulated by John Latham (Nature 1990), later Stephen Salter has formulated the steps needed to come to an eventual Proof of Concept.
Phase 2 | Lab Tests
Testing Sprays of Salty droplets
The challenge is producing droplets of the right size to give birth to nanoparticles (aerosols) within the same size-range. And doing this with devices that are energy efficient and not sensitive for clogging.
Improve the models
Improve the models on aerosol behaviour in clouds.
In the lab research phase, science teams are working on Marine Cloud Brightening through controlled experiments using advanced laboratory techniques, such as cloud chamber experiments and aerosol characterization. Cloud behaviour is studied under specific conditions.
Also possible side effects are studied, like altered rainfall patterns when using it extensively. To prevent negative impacts from long-term use termination shock, we can combine it with other technologies related technologies. The good news is that the benefits of all these actions greatly outweigh the costs.
Phase 3 | Field Research
Collecting data out in the Open
The field research phase involves experiments in the cloud environments, in the areas indicated as most suitable for MCB, including remote sensing, drones, satellites and atmospheric monitoring stations. By observing and measuring the response of clouds to aerosols, they gain valuable information on the scalability and environmental implications of implementing MCB. These data are used to improve the models.
MCB Is A Fire Brigade
Marine Cloud Brightening is considered to be the fastest ocean-based plan to mitigate the effects of global warming. Compare it to a fire brigade. But to have a more lasting cooling effect, several other ideas could make a positive contribution – especially in combination with MCB. The Blue Cooling Initiative supports seven of these cooling concepts.

Join The Alliance To Research Pathways To Climate Cooling
MCB offers us viable principles to mitigate the effects of global warming. To realize this, we need scientists. That is why BCI is actively supporting specialized MCB science groups such as TU Delft, Edinburgh School of Engineering and Cambridge University. They play a crucial role in paving the way forward.

For The Future Of A Cool Planet For All Living Creatures
To keep our planet liveable, we need to see ourselves as part of a larger community of species and protect their environments as if they were our own. Earth is a complex, interconnected system that has developed over billions of years. We should appreciate our development and that of all living creatures.
Transform challenges into opportunities
It takes a lot of rethinking, respect for the natural world, courage, money, and compassion. When we work together, one thing is for sure: humans can turn problems into chances. If we believe in it, share our progress, come together, empower each other, and use innovative ideas like Marine Cloud Brightening for fair climate solutions, we can create conditions that help us survive in a rapidly changing world.